After a break.. I'm back on track

It was a short break.
We ended with a system up and running.. until restart.
In the meanwhile I tried to install k8s from source on my computer:
  • I had to install gocpp
  • and golang 1.14.4
    • which conflicted with my already installed from binaries go 1.14.2 - so I had to uninstall it (apt remove 'go*')
  • then I have followed the instruction from k8s and built k8s:
    • make
k8s binaries were created in _output/bin/
I have added them to the path and voila. Or not?
sudo ./kubeadm init
It failed as the docker service is not running
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service
and then I realized that I don't have kubelet service... one more thing to add.


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