To run anything with kubernetes we need to define a configuration for our cluster first. Easy way is to use minikube. We won't use that. There are at least 3 executables you would use: kubelet - an application that runs on every node allowing remote interaction kubeadm kubectl - with it you can control the cluster (on local or remote machines), ex. on your computer which might be NOT a part of cluster... in our case it would connect to local host So go to then execute # systemctl restart kubelet # we are trying to restart kubelet... I already had this working # journalctl -xe # wait... something is not right let's check the logs # swapoff -a # it was refusing to run on my system as I had swap enabled thus I'm disabling the swap # service kubelet status #checking kubelet status... and it is still not starting... in fact restarting all the time # service kubelet stop # no need t...
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